Tara Rhea Milin is an initiate of the Western Mystery Tradition. She has studied and practiced the occult tradition for over ten years and she is the Vice-Grandmistress of the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light, the Western Officer and Priestess of the Lodge Chayot ha-Qodesh, the Organiser of the Training Group of Ritual Magic and the Western Mysteries and a Priestess of the female Mysteries. She has been authorised by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki to perform the Reconsecration of the Womb. Besides the female mysteries she is especially interested in Qabbalah, Alchemy and healing.
Privately she enjoyes craft work including spinning, knitting, silversmithing, woodwork and making soap. Together with Salomo she designed a series of high quality incences and consecration oils for all purposes.
Correspondence Course in Magic and the Western Mysteries
Free One Year Online Course in the basic Theory and Principles of the Mystical Qabbalah and the Western Mystery Tradition
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