Correspondence Course in Magic and the Western Mysteries
Free Online Course in the basic Theory and Principles of the Mystical Qabbalah and the Western Mystery Tradition


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IMPORTANT: Our Mailboxes are overflowing. If your question could be answered in our General Open Forum please post it there before sending an email. General questions will be answered faster if posted in the forum. Note that our spiritual work is done on a non-profit basis and our time is limited.
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Postal Address

Postal Address

Letter mail should be send to :

    Zentrum der Qabbalah e.V.
    Postfach 21 91 31
    D-33697 Bielefeld

Attention: Unless there is an Email Address in your letter please enclose a self-addressed envelope and an international reply coupon if you expect an answer. Answers on letter mail may be delayed for several weeks or more, so please be patient - or write an email instead.

Correspondence Course in Magic and the Western Mysteries
Free One Year Online Course in the basic Theory and Principles of the Mystical Qabbalah and the Western Mystery Tradition

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We are an internationally recognized mystery school and magical lodge and offer serious magical training based on the principles of the mystical Qabbalah (Kabbalah, Kabbala, Kabala), Hermetic magic and the Western Mysteries. Magical training in an authentic mystery school (or magic school, and/or magical order) of the Western Mystery Tradition is the spiritual and mystical preparation for initiation of the student of the mysteries. Like every true magical lodge or magic school and every true Hermetic order we take training in magic very seriously. We stand in the spriritual tradition of the Rosicrucians and do not only teach the ancient ritual magic (or ceremonial magic), the Egyptian magic, the Celtic magic and the Greek Mysteries, but also the classical pillars of the Hermetik Tradition such as astrology and Tarot.