Salomo Baal-Shem has been studying and practicing the Western Mystery Tradition for over twenty years. He is an Initiate and Adept of the Western Mystery Tradition, a personal student of Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki and he is the Grandmaster of the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light. He was introduced to the spiritual lore of Judaism, the tradition of his ancestors, by his own father. He has studied Philosophy and Judaism specialising in the Qabbalah and Hermetic philosophy. He is considered by many experts to be one of the world's leading authorities on the practical Qabbalah and the Western Mystery Tradition. He is the author of Qabbalistic Magic: Talismans, Psalms, Amulets, and the Practice of High Ritual and has published articles in "The Magical Use of Thought Forms" by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki and in "Illuminations" by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki.
1-2.3.2014 - Foundations of the Holy Qabbalah - The Secrets of the Macrocosm - the Blueprint of the Universe and the human Soul
Qabbalah Seminar Series Part 1 - can also be booked as a single event.
Experience the deep mysteries of the Holy Qabbalah and be initiated step by step into the fundamental qabbalistisc principles of the universe and the human soul. Discover the Tree of Life - the spiritual blueprint of being and learn to grasp the secret of creation in its essence!
However, though the Tradition has received waters from many strange fountains, the core of its teaching is organized around this mighty glyph of the Tree of Life, whose leaves are for the healing of the nations, microcosmically and macrocosmically. (Walter Ernest Butler)
Important topics of this seminar:
What the Qabbalah is and where it came from
You learn to understand the Tree of Life the blueprint of the universe and the human soul
You learn what the principles are that guide our existence
You learn what the structures are that interconnect those principles
28-29.6.2014 - The Archetypal Triad - the supernatural and spiritual powers on the Tree of Life and in the Qabbalah
Qabbalah Seminar Series Part 2 - can also be booked as a single event.
Discover the hidden nature of the highest Divine Principles and begin to understand how these principles affect our lives and how we can connect and unite with these principles and thus enrich our lives and uplift it onto a higher level of spiritual existence!
Important topics of this seminar:
You will discover the qabbalistic method of understanding the supreme Divine Principle.
You learn about the masculine and the feminine side of the Divine from a qabbalistic point of view.
You learn what the principle is that guides all human development and spiritual transformation
Learn about the negative side of this principle, and how this negative side can bring people on the path of spiritual development in high risk, and how you can strengthen and prepare yourself.
4-5.10.2014 - The Ethical Triad - the cosmic principles by which the Qabbalisten are able to make their life decisions in accordance with the higher laws
Qabbalah Seminar Series Part 3 - can also be booked as a single event.
Learn to understand the balance between the higher heavenly grace and justice and live in accordance with the cosmic harmony and the higher order of things!
Important topics of this seminar:
You will learn about the principle of Divine Love, Kindness and Grace and learn how it can be realized in the human soul.
You will learn about the principle of Karmic Justice and learn how it can give the human soul power and inner strength.
You will learn which is the cosmic principle, which is preserved by Balance, Harmony and Beauty in the universe and in the human soul.
You will learn how these principles permeate all areas of human decisions and how they form the results we experience in our lives.
You how these principles affect all interpersonal interactions and how we can use them to achieve more fulfilled and harmonious relationships with our fellow men, especially our intimate partners, our family, and our buisness partners.
28.2.-1.3.2015 (expected) - The Magical Triad - The qabbalistisc principles of wisdom that guide effective and powerful magical work and their application in occult psychology
Qabbalah Seminar Series Part 4 - can also be booked as a single event.
Discover the secret of magic and clairvoyance and penetrate into the deepest layers of the human soul!
Important topics of this seminar:
Discover the principle of artistic creativity, interpersonal inspiration and erotic seduction.
Learn about the foundation of a razor-sharp mind, and discover which principle guides all human communication.
Learn to understand the deepest layers of the human soul from a qabbalistic view.
Find out where all the magic power originates and by which principles they can be directed in prayer, ritual and the magical power of thought.
Learn by which principle all magical effects are transmitted and how magical powers do take effect.
Learn by which principle visions and prophetic power are possible, and what dangers await the uninitiated!
20-21.6.2015 (expected) - The Secrets of the Microcosm - the Deeper levels and principles of the human soul
Qabbalah Seminar Series Part 5 - can also be booked as a single event.
Enter the deeper dimension of human existence and recognize the true nature of the soul!
Important topics of this seminar:
Learn how to understand the whole mystery of the human soul in its full depth.
Learn how to realize the spiritual powers of the soul in our lives and how we can use them in our spiritual work.
Discover through which organs and filters we can become aware of the cosmic reality and how we can benefit mostly from them.
Learn how the deeper reality of the mystical writings reveals itself to the well prepared soul and how you can tap into higher wisdom on the qabbalistic way through inner vision, insight and spiritual study!
19-20.9.2015 (expected) - The Development of the Soul in the Qabbalah - the western path to initiation, adepthood and enlightenment / Mastership
Qabbalah Seminar Series Part 6 - can also be booked as a single event.
Climb the path of spiritual development through the various stages of initiation to adepthood to spiritual mastership and holiness. Recognize the stages of the spiritual path by your own powers of understanding!
Important topics of this seminar:
You learn what is initiation, adepthood and enlightenment (sainthood /mastership)
You learn what are the steps towards initiation and how to achieve them
You learn what are the steps towards adepthood and how to achieve them
You learn what are the steps towards enlightenment (sainthood / mastership) and how to achieve them
You learn how to know if someone is an initiate, an adept or a saint or spiritual master
You learn how to develop your own soul and activate the vast powers hidden latently inside of you
You learn how to train and develop your soul, mind and spirit to their full capacity using the qabbalistic approach
Who may participate in our Certified Intensive Course in the Theory and Practice of the Mystical Qabbalah?
This six-part workshop series is open to anyone who is interested to learn something about the wisdom of the Holy Qabbalah. The workshop series consists of six weekend courses which are part of the training of the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light and are open to non-members. The same group goes through the entire series together. The six weekends will build on each other (with about two to three months gap). Each seminar can be attended individually and without prior knowledge, yet you will certainly benefit even more from them if you participate in the entire workshop series in sequence.
As a special bonus for members of the training of the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light and Refuah II practitioners there will be a powerful magical ritual on Saturday night. Participation in the ritual is on invitation only and restricted to members of the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light or Refuah II practitioners only. (The participants of the ritual need a white robe, a white cord as a belt and temple sandals).
This workshop series provides all the qabbalistic knowledge, which is (for non-members of BOEL) a prerequisite for participation in Refuah III.
(Upon successful completion of the entire course) participants will receive a certificate1 about the training and may bear the title "Certified Qabbalah-Practitioner" according to the standards of the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light.
What is the value of spiritual training?
In the earlier days of Reiki the fees set by Grand Master Takata were $10,000 (roughly £6,500 or 7,400) for the Master training (Reiki III) in order to instill a healthy respect for the value of becoming a Reiki Master. Today it is however much easier to become a Reiki Master, than it is to become a genuine Qabbalist.
Training in Qabbalah is very comprehensive and includes many levels and aspects of wisdom rarely taught by spiritual teachers and goes way beyond many well-known forms of esoteric training.
Many spiritual traditions are quite explicit that spiritual training is in fact priceless:
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had, and bought it." (Matthew 13:45-46)
However you will not need to sell everything you have for this series of workshops!!!
We feel that spiritual knowledge must be shared with the world and offer this unique series of workshops including:
Six full weekends (= 12 Days) of intensive spiritual training
The essence of twenty years of personal experience
The key to understanding the universe.
The key to understanding the human soul.
The key to astrology.
The key to the tarot.
The key to magical power.
The key to working with angels.
The key to understand and achieve the meaning of life.
The key to initiation, adepthood and enlightenment
Your certificate that endorses you to be a practitioner of the principles of the Qabbalah
We offer all this for only:
350,- as a non-refundable deposit and 950,-
If you book before the 1st December 2013 you will only pay:
350,- as a non-refundable deposit and 850,-
If you are a passive member of the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light and book before the 1st December 2013 you will only pay:
300,- as a non-refundable deposit and 850,-
If you are a passive member of the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light and book before the 1st December 2013 you will only pay::
many online tools and study aids with which the acquired knowledge can be deepened between the seminar weekends.
learning in a community of like-minded people!
Become a part of a living spiritual tradition!
Do not miss this exceptional chance! Make an impact in your life and become a part of the mystery tradtion!
1 Full participation required. (If a participant is unable to take part on one of the seminars it may be possible to catch up on the missed seminar weekend free of charge. We offer this series of seminars regularly every 1-3 years at different places. This option is supplied without liability - Legal recourse is excluded. If a later seminar has a different fee, an additional payment may be required. If this is granted it should be done in the seminar series directly following the original one.)
We are an internationally recognized mystery school and magical lodge and offer serious magical training based on the principles of the mystical Qabbalah (Kabbalah, Kabbala, Kabala), Hermetic magic and the Western Mysteries. Magical training in an authentic mystery school (or magic school, and/or magical order) of the Western Mystery Tradition is the spiritual and mystical preparation for initiation of the student of the mysteries. Like every true magical lodge or magic school and every true Hermetic order we take training in magic very seriously. We stand in the spriritual tradition of the Rosicrucians and do not only teach the ancient ritual magic (or ceremonial magic), the Egyptian magic, the Celtic magic and the Greek Mysteries, but also the classical pillars of the Hermetik Tradition such as astrology and Tarot.
We have mambers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, France, Sweden, Italy, the Czech Republic, the United States of America, Canada, Africa and even the Philippines and with affiliates in most countries all over the world, including: Angola, Anguilla, Antigua And Barbuda, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chile, Christmas Island, Côte D'Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Finland, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Micronesia, Federated States Of, Montenegro, Montserrat, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Palau, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Réunion, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre And Miquelon, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Taiwan, Tanzania, United Republic Of, Thailand, Trinidad And Tobago, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe.